Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Honorable Mentions

These are the honorable mentions for our 6 Inch Squared Show

Let me preface this by saying that any artist that had sold two or more pieces was not able to win an Honorable Mention. For God's sake. You sold two pieces. Let some other artists have some fun!

Honorable Mention receive a $100 dollar award.

And the winner of the Honorable Mentions are.......

Cindy Wilbur "Valley Vineyard" $325

Becky Joy "Giovanni" $325

Janine Salzman "Retirement" $365

Michael Naples "Leisure Time" SOLD

Mark Farina "Carmel Beach" $400

Tom Balderas "Color Study on The Shore" SOLD

Margaret Dyer "Noah and His Boat" $450

Camille Przewodek "Don't Fence Me In" $950

Richard Stergulz " Shave and a Haircut" $600

Justin Clayton "Pair of Avacados" $350

Bill Suys "Day Sail" $1100

Elizabeth Pollie "In Like a Lion" $375

Nancy Crookston "Weaving the Future" $1450

Michelle Dunaway "Resting" SOLD

Mark Scwartz "Twisting Figure #1" $625

Thomas Kitts "After the Rain" $400

Christine Hooker "Tuscan Pottery #3" $420

Alicia Sotherland "Little Fairie" $270

Judith Cameron "Halved Lemon #2" $280

Dale Terbush "To Remember You Always" SOLD

Michael Obermeyer "Autmn Sunset" $675

Kim Lordier "Move" $600

Rick Delanty "Casino" $450

Thomas Schaller "Sailboat Pond, NYC 1" $375

Calvin Liang "Newport Sailboats" $700


Darrell Hill

All good. Michelle Dunaway figure is just great for the small size. Randy - This was a great idea and great show.

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